Regina Martyrum Societas

RMS is a small business named in honor of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs (Regina Martyrum—Queen of Martyrs), specializing in crocheted items, baked goods, and books. Books are published on Lulu; shop items are homemade with care. Welcome! If you have a question, don't hesitate to ask.

We have a bi-monthly publication, Regina Martyrum Societas Post, and we are now sending out a weekly publication filled with random interesting bits of history, tips for writers, and more! Click here to subscribe (the Weekly will only be available via email, while if you subscribe to the RMSP then you will receive a notice that the newsletter is now available on this website). You can unsubscribe at any time; just let us know!


Note: This is as of 24 December 2022

Release Date: February 5, 2022: Feast of the Martyrs of Japan

Former Newsletters: 1 (March-April 2022); 2 (November-December 2022).

Our Main Members

Philomena Dashjr is a young lady hoping to run this business as a part-time job. She enjoys writing, crocheting, speaking French, and playing the viola.

Corinna Meadows is a young lady co-owner of RMS, who loves horses and does German dancing. She plays the piano, and edits RMS publications.