Cover for 'Antykomunistyczna Nieregularny: Finale

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We have not published any books yet, but here is the status of what we're working on:


Sixteen Years Away. "It's an ordinary life for Juliana Grace Sullivan in Oakley, Kansas. She's got eight little siblings and loves them all, and everything goes well for her and her family, despite the fact that there appears to be some sort of quarrel between her parents. But overall everything is fine and normal...until one afternoon when she overhears something that'll change her life forever... She's been sixteen years away from home. But the end of the journey is in sight." SciFi; 214 pages; belongs to the Donner Series. Will be published; estimate is spring 2023. By Philomena Dashjr. Click here for a preview!

Antykomunistyczna Nieregularny aka The Anti-Commie Irregular: Commencement. "This is an imaginary story of one person's combat against Communism. Chrześcijańska Mary Krzyżowiecówna, a young Polish girl at the start of the story, is the 'Anti-Commie Irregular'. To win against the Communism she faces, it will take stamina, trust, courage, friendship, hope, Faith—and speed—all of which she has. Her story is a sad one at times, but she will never lose her optimism. There are mysteries she must solve...Nazis she must face...strangers she must ally...decisions she must make...a path she must choose." Historical Fiction; 288 pages; belongs to the Anti-Commie Irregular Series. Publishing estimate is spring 2023. By Philomena Dashjr. Click here for a preview!

Antykomunistyczna Nieregularny aka The Anti-Commie Irregular: Finale. "As a recap, Jańska, Mon, and Anieia have been reunited with their families, and, having made it safely to Switzerland with them—and Zieja!—have moved to Spain. In 1942, however, the four girls have graduated...and we close there, now traveling ahead in time to St. Joseph, Missouri, twenty years later..." Historical Fiction; 312 pages; belongs to the Anti-Commie Irregular Series. Publishing estimate is spring 2023. By Philomena Dashjr.

Trooper A1. "Conner Whyte, a physically weak sixteen-year-old in Annapolis, Maryland, has been told to be strong... But taking that literally will change the world forever." SciFi; 278 pages; part of a series. Publishing estimate is spring 2023. By Philomena Dashjr.

Trooper A2. "Evolet Whyte, an abnormally strong fourteen-year-old living with his Aunt Moira in Annapolis, Maryland, is soon to discover who his parents are... And with that discovery will come friendship, adventure—and disaster." SciFi; 271 pages; part of a series. Publishing estimate is spring 2023. By Philomena Dashjr.

Trooper A3. "Michael Leblanc, a "normal" kid living in Cambridge, Massachusetts with his parents and younger sister Dawn, has no connection at all with two maniac T4 and T6 killers... But that all changes when they decide to get him and his sister involved anyway." SciFi; 286 pages; part of a series. Publishing estimate is spring 2023. By Philomena Dashjr.

Trooper A4. "Via Dawes, a sixteen-year-old young woman living in New York City, tries to find friendship and excitement by hanging out with a group of "cool" rebel teenagers her age... But then she is betrayed by her best friend, and realizes she is going to have to stand up for what she deep-down believes to be right and true." SciFi; 307 pages; part of a series. Publishing estimate is spring 2023. By Philomena Dashjr.

Life or Death. "A world was created, a world with both Light and Darkness. They mixed, and became lost in a powerless gray. Gray overtook everything, but gray is neither Light nor Darkness, and a brighter Light was needed. A Light that would shine strong and outshine the gray. A Light that would shine forever and turn the gray to white. For Light is Hope, and Life... But when that brighter Light was created, so was a darker Darkness, and these were two colors that could not merge. They could only attempt to wipe each other out, leaving the world either in Light or in Darkness, whichever would survive the battle..." Fantasy; 85 pages. Publishing estimate is spring 2023. By Philomena Dashjr.

Renée (~ Reborn~). "Once you're here, you stay—or die. It's your choice, sure as knife." Fiction; 103 pages. Will be published; estimate is spring 2023. By Philomena Dashjr.

The Girl in the Raincoat. "Ananja Szturm, though a Polish girl and slightly impaired from childhood, has survived the Nazi occupation of Poland during World War Two. However, Communists once again take over her homeland... And this time they strike close to home. Ananja must fight back...and become the Girl in the Raincoat." Historical Fiction; 211 pages. Will be published; estimate is spring 2023. By Philomena Dashjr.

In Progress:

Dans le Grenier. "Violette Irène Noir et Angèle Saville sont deux jeunes filles dans Aizenay, Vendée, France. La famille de Violette est venue de déménager, et bientôt Violette et Angèle sont bonnes amies. Mais il y a un secret de la maison de Violette..." In French; Mystery. By Corinna Meadows and Philomena Dashjr.

The Trooper Companions. "'...But there are so many stories left untold.' As Evolet Whyte suggested, the Untold Stories (of Troopers and their companions) have been saved for another day...and here they are. Discover the childhood of the A1 future Violet Army Leader and follow her descendants all the way to the WIPA takeover in A4...and then explore the endless possibilities for the future!" SciFi; belongs to the Thicker Than Water Chronicles. By Philomena Dashjr.

The Storm. "In this sequel to Sixteen Years, Juliana Grace Sullivan has some difficult choices to make. Will she go back to living with her adoptive family, the Sullivans? Or will she stick around with the Donners, known worldwide as international heroes, and the coolest people on the planet, as well as her real family? But as if that isn't enough, she and her friends Major and Legacy soon realize that there are more secrets to be discovered... And another crisis to meet... But the Storm is just beginning." SciFi; belongs to the Donner Series. By Philomena Dashjr.

The Expended. "Frilant—officially known as the Free Republic of Eilant—is nearly three centuries old, but even yet there are still groups that defy the government's authority and are striving to set up a country of their own. But it is an impossible task, especially with Frilant's modern technology, and one by one these groups are discovering that Frilant's latest, most formidable weapon—though only a teenager—has the capacity to destroy them all. The question is, is that person expendable?" SciFi. By Philomena Dashjr.

Nightmare I: Real Wolves. "It's been over ten years now since World War Three left Greenland a frozen desert, and Nicole Ericson's memories of pre-war Greenland are fast fading. She and others her age have grown to adulthood in a deadly, cold world of perpetual snow and toxic air—every young adult a survivor, for Greenland society has no place for weaklings. Everyone has to fight for life, even if it's as simple as breathing. And when Nicole and her best friend Freja find themselves separated from their family in a natural disaster, it isn't long before they realize: Both natural and human forces are against them. It will be one desperate contest...and Nicole and Freja will have to prove themselves strong enough to keep on living." SciFi. By Philomena Dashjr.

Nightmare II: Secrets. "Finally, Nicole and Freja are no longer alone. But before too long, they come into conflict with Greenland's notorious kill-to-survive gang, the Calibrators, under the worst circumstances imaginable. They will have to combat that group's inhumane theory that only strong people should be allowed to use Greenland's limited resources for survival. And when the two best friends are split up, this time they are truly alone, and will have to decide who is to be trusted, who is not to be trusted, and who will try to kill them. Unexpectedly they will find that the real wolves from Nightmare I are still out for them...and the nightmare still continues. But this time can they survive it—together?" SciFi. By Philomena Dashjr.

Searchlight. This book has not been started yet, but it will be about a Chinese girl named Lillian, her cousin Romina—and the Red Guards. Historical Fiction. By Philomena Dashjr.


Note: This is as of 22 December 2022.

Release Date: February 5, 2022: Feast of the Martyrs of Japan

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